Machine Girl Malfunction!

This is an artwork by Paul Birch, who does business as The Finsbury Park Deltics even though, as he puts it, “There’s just me here at tFPDs, even though it sounds like some sort of beatnik / baseball collective.” This artwork is called Machine Girl Malfunction! according to this interview, where Birch says it took weeks to complete. A former TFPD page about the artwork (now 404, and not found in the Internet Archive) is currently still visible in Google’s cache, and it describes the art as:

Ink on paper, 33″ x 23″. A poster-sized picture of a lovestruck android woman, as seen on a comic-book cover. Of course. A tad self-indulgent, as I got an awful lot of pleasure out of drawing it over an awfully long period of time. A therapeutic process. I recommend it.

Image provenance by Bacchus at Erosblog.