The Miskatonic

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My original tumblr post was here.  Original text:


Hey guys, The Miskatonic has a Patreon now! Specifically for folks who want 1080p wallpapers of the game and want to pre-order the game over the course of a few months (or in one big chunklet, Patreon keeps records of pledges.)

I’m still uploading a bunch of wallpapers, but there’s some free ones up there for those of you that just wanna see what’s up before you put money down.

Check it out here!

Cheers guys!

(via jackcayless)

Romance some college monster girls!


Original post here. Sourced via jackcayless. Original text:


Destroy the world the only way you know how, by romancing college monster girls! Cthulhu Shoujo, coming at the end of everything.

Carnivore underwear

Original post here. Original text:


Spent a straight day staring at charts and graphs so time to wind down with a little Ezzie showing off her patented Carnivore undies.