An anthology of monsters’ playthings

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My original tumblr post was here.  Original text:

(via freakantique)



Original post here. Artist’s comment “I assure you those bonds are quite sturdy, and the freshly hatched larva is safe from injury.” Original text “Hatchery by Zarathul.”

Gallant Deep One encounter


Original post here. Unfortunately I have been unable to find the name for the artist. Sourced via eroticmacabre. Original text (apparently largely written by strangeeneth:


When this journy began I was just a nerdy girl who loved the works of H.P. Lovecraft. His books where so strange and unusual yet always rooted with people and or a world that I could understand. He left some things for the imagination and others he explained with almost comic levels of detail. I read every one of his books and tried to get my friends to read them as well.

After high school my parents died and I found out that they had millions of dollars that they never told me about. We always lived comfortably but never on the level of the money they had in the bank. When I finally came to terms with my parents being gone I got bored. Didn’t really have to work anymore and collage seemed to not be my style so I put some money into traveling and investigating Lovecraft’s works. I thought I would find his inspirations and maybe help some people working to preserve his work along with some cash but I found so much more. 

You see one of my favorite stories was a Shadow over Innsmouth. There was something about that one that called to me on so many levels. Because my imagination was a place as the dream world of Kadath one of those levels happened to be the Deep Ones mating with humans and birthing hybrids. The thought of one of those creatures taking me and using me to birth their next generation just got me all tingly in all the right places. I went to the site where Innsmouth was based on and stayed there a while…I watched the people and saw hints of the Innsmouth look in all of the locals. That night though something changed in the townsfolk. They all looked at me strangely as I ate at the diner and when I went back to my tent on the beach …yes yes I slept on the beach, it was nice out and I wanted to do some camping. No one seemed to mind!   As I was saying when I went back to my tent I started hearing strange sounds from the water. I joked to myself that it was the Deep Ones coming to have a big ole fish orgy with me on the beach. That got me thinking in to much detail about such things and my hand just slid right down between my legs. By the time I climaxed the shapes where already showing in the moonlight though the tent walls. The flap was ripped open by slimy webbed hands and these anthropomorphic fish … Huge un blinking eyes…no…they where…they where deep ones! 

At this point I assumed that I had fallen asleep and this was all a dream so I looked at the fish monsters before me and waved them in with a smile. They took me that night and used my body head to toe…every one taking a turn with my pussy and I moaned like a bitch and heat for every single bit of it. When they left they even left me this strange golden jewelry .  I was left covered in sweat and slime and cum …at least I thought that was cum ….and let myself drift off to sleep expecting to wake up with a mess between my leg and a satisfied smile on my face. When I woke up though…the Jewelry was there still…I was covered in drying slime and the stink of fish…god it had really happened and whats more I …I liked it!

That was 3 years ago…I now live on a remote island out in the middle of…well you will know where to go when its time. Dear when you are old enough to understand this letter you come see your old mum. Find me right by the water waiting for my big strong boys to come take me again and again so that I can bring more of their kind into the world…Its our purpose in life to help them…to ensure that Dagon is happy and that when it is time…Great Chtulhu will awaken to find his servants ready to do his bidding.  Ia Ia Cthulhu Fhtagn! Ia Ia Cthulhu Fhtagn! 

Impregnator demon

Original post here. Sourced to eros-in-art. Original text:


his nutsacks are as big as his butt.  that demon’s gonna get you so pregnant

Félicien Rops


This image is part of a much larger series or sequence by artist known only as “ASD”. There are at least six additional images from the series available on the web: ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 ) Small hard-to-see thumbnails for a no longer available ASD gallery at this url (A Google cache link is here for as long as it lasts) suggest that there are at least 20 images in the complete series. The person who uploaded seven of these images to Gelbooru sourced them to a Pixiv artist whose profile is no longer on that site (user #2039710); searching one of the images on SauceNao (search results not linkable) confirms the same defunct Pixiv member number and confirms ASD as the artist. No additional information about artist ASD could be discovered.
Image provenance by Bacchus at Erosblog.


This image was uploaded to the Sankaku Complex image board about four years ago, but no artist information is available. It has subsequently appeared on other image boards (here and here) and is advertised as being part of the content of a commercial porn site called Hentai Tentacles. However the diversity of promotional material there makes me suspect that the site’s claim to offer “100% exclusive Hentai” is false; it looks more like images collected randomly from around the ‘net. However if the claim were actually true and the art was truly created for exclusive display on that paysite, one might expect that artist information would only be available to members inside the pay area of the site, or perhaps not at all.
Image provenance by Bacchus at Erosblog.

The characters respond

Original post here. Image contains the text “Anonymous asked you: Would you do impregnation scenarios with your characters? ‘That’s not in my repertoirse.’ ‘I…I think I’ll pass on this one.’ ‘…’ ‘Well, my sythetic DNA isn’t compatible with anything in the galaxy and thenanos in my immune system would just kill any foreign life trying to use my body as a host. Besides, I lack the necessary internal organs needed to reproduce.’ ‘You lucky sod.'” Sourced to drgraevling.

Another demon bed invader

Original post here. Sourced via womenfuckingmonsters.

Dark Recesses Press final issue

Original post here. Original text:


Dark Recessess Press, Final Issue #13, Cutting Block Press, October 2012. Cover art by Michael Brack, free download from

Post-American Princess – Abby Goldsmith
Three Second Memory – Anna Schwind
Borderland Fancy – Mekenzie Larsen
Where The Wiffle Ball Went – Geoffrey W. Cole
Club – Drew Wilcox
Three Grams – Jamie Lackey
Rosie’s Knife – J. Adrian Cook
The Dead Factory – Chris Stageman
13 – Craig Wallwork
Wood & Flesh – Sunil Sadanand

Strand Babbles – Jeff Strand
Portrait of an Artist: Jason V Brock – Misty Dahl
Interview With Feature Artist – Michael Brack
Chupacabra Hunters: Mystery Unveiled – Chris Perridas and Boyd Harris
Notes From The Lovecraftian Ghetto – Cody Goodfellow

Alien birth

Original post here. Sourced to bleedingbrains via suspectuknown.