
Original post here. Original text:


I wake up, cramped and squeezed into a position I don’t remember falling asleep in. My knees up around my face, I try to move but it’s so difficult. My eyes focus and I see him there with a remote in his hand.

Seeing that I’m awake, he smiles and presses a button, I hear a whirl above me, and something slowly starts pressing down on my head, I try pushing back but it’s impossible.

I look around and realise with horror what is happening, my wild struggles held in check by the thick plate glass and press that is slowly descending. It’s been five seconds and it’s barely moved.

I hit my fist against the glass, he just smiles and waits as I scream, begging to be freed. I feel my head being forced between by knees, my neck uncomfortably being bent down, and feel the cold steel pressing against the top of my knees.

I try to shift, to make more room, but it’s impossible, my head is forced down and all I can see are my feet, and my legs being compressed painfully along their length. Oh my god, the pain!!

There’s a loud crack, and the most unbelievable pain I’ve ever experienced and blood, my legs broken and yet the press does not stop, I can feel it pressing my thigh bone, it’s trying to escape my hips, and the press continues, I can feel it on my spine. I can’t move my head down any further.

Not like this, please god no! Not like this!

Bound in the sex machine

Original post here. Sourced to sloworhard via freakantique.